Dancing fish...The first impression i had was a western restaurant. But least i would not have guess that it would be a malay-indo cuisine. This place need reservations at certain time, or else you wouldn't have a place to sit in this restaurant. Lucky thing, we had a reservation..hehe
While waiting i had a drink. call teh botol. It's actually tea without milk. It's famous in Indonesia as i heard. We had emping as appetizers. Its a bitter cracker with sambal toppings.
Teh Botol @ RM5.90 |
Emping with Sambal Terasi @ RM4.50 |
Emping with Sambal Terasi @ RM4.50 |
Once every one arrived we quickly take the order. The highly recommended dish, the name of the restaurant... the dancing fish!!! It's called nila goreng!!! There are so many ways it could be prepared with such as sambal, salad, kerabu or acar. It's crispy but it's not that crispy to even eat the bone. So please watch out for bones!! The waiter mention that we need to order two fishes since the group is big, but once the fish arrived. The fish is jus worth a spoonful. Well, at least worth a try!!! I still wanna try other dishes too!!!hehe...greedy me!!
Nila Goreng with Masam Kedondong Pedas @ RM39.90 |
The dishes came fast and almost all together. You can sellect the flavor of rice either white or yellow fragrant rice. I like eating it both together as it taste better. The next dish we had was the belimbing ikan masin, which is "star fruit with salted fish". yum yum!!
Belimbing Ikan Masin @ RM9.90 |
Then we had vege, which is new to KL-ian. I heard that this dish is familiar to the Sabahan & Sarawakian. Its called Gulai Pucuk Paku. Its jungle fern vegetables cooked in sweet coconut milk.
Gulai Pucuk Paku @ RM9.90 |
Next vege is the terung!! Brinjal...My favourate...!!! Also can be called as eggplant (i wonder why??) This brinjal is steam and fried. Then the sambal is placed on the brinjal... Nice ...but only two piece for 7 pax...abit little.
Terong Sambal @ RM9.90 |
Then we had chicken...this is more like percik chicken... but its ayam panggang which is spring chicken!
Ayam Panggang (whole chicken) @ RM18.90 |
The prawns were hugh!!!!
Udang Sambal @ RM55.90 |
Then the last dish but not the worst!!! Probably it's my favorate among all dishes in this restaurant.!!! Although the serving is small but it's really nice and worth a try!!! It's the cumi cumi goreng!!! I have always like sotong especially the tenticle!!!
Cumi Goreng @ RM18.90 |
As you realise most of the dishes are with sambal. I am not the person who eat chilli padi, and the sambal here is not that spicy. So don't be terrified by the names. Hehe!!!
Location :
Second Floor, Bangsar Shopping Center
Tel : (603) 2095 6663