Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Bee @ Jaya One

Once again the ice cream craving comes back!!! Now i had to try other flavors from the previous visit i went to at

This time i have taken french toast, white coffee and the ever favourite teh tarik!!The white coffee tasted like nescafe! Im was a heavy coffee drinker so this was good for me. I had tried making my own ice cream  nescafe flavoured and it really tasted like this one. But mine was sweeter because i used nescafe itself! Hehe! A plus for me one this ice cream!

Next was the french toast. The first thing i had in mind of french toast is buttery-eggy tasted and i can't imagine putting into the concept of ice cream. Once i had it in my mouth, it was all cinnamon's! Not that i'm not a fan of cinnamon's, but it was just overwhelming of cinnamon. All i could think was... why did i take this?? Hehe! ok maybe it was not that bad but i had had ordered a lemonade drink. And it was too sour! I was the laughing stalk of the day due to my face! Anyways, what is life without laughter?!

Next trip i will try other flavour. Hehe!

The Bee Burger
2A-G, Block K, Jaya One

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