Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Edo Ichi @ Solaris Dutamas

It has been a long time since i ever went out, just me and my sister. So, i asked her if she could spent some time lunch and chat. I know she is a big fan of japanese, so japanese it is! I have always drive through Solaris area but have not venture to other areas of Damansara. There's this japanese place called "Edo Ichi" which is quite interesting because of the pizza i read on this place. Maybe i will try for myself.

While browsing through the menu, my eyes was looking for the pizza. Edo Ichi Pizza. When the pizza came, i was surprised because the price is so much more than the size of it! Hehe! Well, i am a big fan of ebikko and the plate was clean till spotless. The unagi was the main ingredient of the pizza. I like the crust of the pizza, it tasted fresh like it was made before serving to us.

Edo Ichi Pizza @ RM30.00

Next was the lamb and the salmon. The lamb tasted good. I like the sauce and it blends with the lamb meat. The lamb is not hard and its' really cook till its medium raw. Yum! The salmon looks as fresh as it taste. Seriously, the taste of the salmon is speechless!

Gyu Niku Amiyaki @ RM18.00

Shake Sashimi @ RM28.00
Finally, the last dish ordered was the cheese roll. This was satisfying. It really filled our tummy. Or maybe too much air went in our tummy while we were chatting and laughing. Once i had in my mouth, i could taste the cheese and unagi on top of the roll. It has a cooling cucumber satisfy the after taste. Nice!

Una Cheese Roll @ RM28.00

Well, Its quite pricey but maybe once in a while a get-away lunch time with sister is worth a while. Hehe! The environment is good and same goes to the service. (because it was raining outside and we didn't want to get wet as i park at the other building, so we waited for the rain to stop. And the waitress were non-stop pouring green tea for us. Hehe!)

Edo Ichi Japanese Cuisine
A4-G1-1, Solaris Dutamas,
No.1, Jalan Dutamas 1,
50480 Kuala Lumpur

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