Friday, January 7, 2011

Penang Hokkien Mee @ Burma Road, Penang

Penang people always said come and try their hokkien mee. Guarantee different than KL hokkien mee. So, a friend brought me to this place after happy hours. This place is probably known to be open up to wee hours (as i reached quite late too! :P) He suggested few stalls to try from, like the bak kut teh, grilled fish and etc, but most of all he rekond the penang hokkien mee. I followed him to the stall...

Aiyo..! Prawn mee izzit? As he keeps on saying hokkien mee, hokkien mee... ok la! Penang hokkien mee is KL prawn mee. Pengsan! But penang prawn mee really is different than KL prawn mee. They had herbal egg, siew yoke, pork balls, and foo chuk. I mean you can add the "lui" in KL. It's slightly different style of cooking in penang. Its a good try. They even can replace with cintan mee for you instead of the normal bihun or koay teow. If you were to order the cintan mee it would cost RM4.00.

Penang hokkien mee - RM3.50
I had others too but i was too busy eating my bak kut teh that i didn't take any other pictures. hehe!

Old Green House Restaurant 
223 Burma Road
Business hours: 8pm to 4am (Closed on Sundays)

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