Thursday, May 19, 2011

Snowflake Taiwan Dessert @ Pavilion

After such a meal of beef noodle i wanted to have some dessert to quench my thirst. I remember there a famous dessert shop in Pavilion and i wouldn't mind trying. I remember the last time i came, there was a long queue but unfortunately the shop has sold out for the day. I left disappointed, so i have to ensure i manage to have it today!!! This time, i managed to queue to the counter and placed my order...!!! Hehe.

I have ordered one of the bestseller, grass jelly + grass jelly ice + taroballs +creamer this is served cold. I really like the taroballs, one tasted like yam and the other is sweet potato...The black jelly on top is the gui ling koo, the herbal pudding. Then the ice at the bottom is not normal ice, it has a sweet green colour ice. Hehe! I really like the whole package.

grass jelly + grass jelly ice + taroballs +creamer @ RM6.90

Next two are from the snowflake series, the one is the taroballs series and the other is soya ice series. I like the taroballs series better than the soya ice series. The taroballs series has taroballs both yam and sweet potato, barley, pearl ball and boiled sweet potato. The ice at the bottom is plain but the ingredients fills the tummy!! Hehe!! The soya on the other hand, tasted very healthy. The bottom has soya ice.

Taroballs series @ RM6.50
Soya ice series @ RM6.50
The was a satisfying dessert as you can see. Hehe!!

Location :

Snowflake Taiwan Dessert

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