Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jasmine Cafe House @ Cameron Highlands

It has been a long time since i have drove some where, further out of Kuala Lumpur. I was on a trip to Cameron Highlands to enjoy the cold nights and fresh air. I have left KL approximately 10am, made some rest stops, pass through the winding road, passing through the waterfall full of screaming children, and nothing is so different from KL...the JAM!!!  I arrived at Tanah Rata approximately close to 2pm. While i was in the car bumper to bumper, i saw a restaurant which was highly recommended. I quickly made a turn in the junction of the restaurant to find a parking because i have found GOOD FOOD!!

As i sat and look at the menu, a dish passed by my side and i was seriously tempted to know what dish was that. Seriously its smelled nice!!! I ask the waiter and he told me it was "fish and chips". Surprising "fish and chip" could smell that good. Anyway, as i was looking at the menu, i saw "smoked duck". And i made that order since i have not tried smoked duck western style before. And since i'm in Cameron , the waiter recommended strawberry juice.

Mushroom Soup @ RM5.00
The mushroom soup was really blend and not nice. Not much mushroom taste, more like chicken soup.

Strawberry Juice @ RM 6.00
If you like strawberries, you will love the strawberry juice..YUM YUM!!!

Smoked Duck @ RM28.00
The smoked duck is the only dish i wanna eat here again, and again, and again, and again...etc!!! You look at the bottom picture comparing the top picture. Top picture just thick sauce around the duck.

The bottom picture shows that the juice of the duck oozing out when you cut the meat and its repeats after one piece and another piece and another piece...etc!!! Super yummy that if you just eat the meat itself without the skin, it taste like ham. The skin is the juicy one ...loving it!!!

I had the chicken chop too but it's so-so after i have tried the duck.

Location :
Restaurant Cafe Jasmine
No.45, Jalan Besar,
39000 Tanah Rata,
Cameron Highlands

Tel : (605) 901703

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